Sunday, January 8, 2012

Resolution Day #4 ~ Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwiches + a sweet treat at the end!!

On a normal day, I don't like spice. In fact, I normally can't even tolerate a minimal amount of spice. That has all changed with this pregnancy! When we were home in PA over the holidays, Ryan made jalapeno poppers that were wonderful!! I saw this recipe on Pinterest last weekend when I was sick and have been craving it ever since! We finally made them today! I joke that Ryan was my sous chef! We try to eat healthy most of the time; today was obviously not one of them!

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Ingredients per sandwich:
2 jalapeno peppers
2 slices of bread
1 T butter, room temp
1 T cream cheese, room temp
1/4 c jack and cheddar cheese, shredded
3 tortilla chips, crumbled

1. Cut the the tops off the jalapeno peppers & then cut them in half lengthwise. Remove the seeds.

2. Place the jalapenos on a baking sheet facing down & then place them in the oven & broil until outer layer of skin has blackened, about 8-14 min. TIP: Make sure they are truly blackened. We underestimated which made it hard to peel the skin off (step 4).



3. Place the peppers in a plastic baggie to cool, about 20 min.

4. Remove the skin from the peppers. The skin should easily "pinch" off.

5. Assemble the sandwiches by spreading cream cheese one slice & shredded cheese on the other. Place 4 jalapeno halves on top of the shredded cheese & the crumbled tortilla chips over the cream cheese slice. Butter the outside of each slice & grill on both sides like you would any other grilled cheese.

We had our sandwiches with canned soup today. We had ambitious hopes of making a homemade soup in the slow cooker, but didn't have time.

The verdict: Very good! Not too much spice!

Link to Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese recipe

And now for my sweet treat!!...

Again, I was browsing Pinterest today and came across this delicious looking recipe. Ryan and I both decided I must make them ASAP since we had all of the ingredients.

Deep Dish Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cookies (oh read that right)

The original recipe I found was actually for Deep Dish Milky Way Cookies...however, since Ryan used to work for The Hershey Company and we used to live in Hershey, PA, we only have Hershey's products in this house PLUS Milky Way bars are made by Hershey's competitor, Mars (another no no).  Again, not a healthy recipe.

2 stick of butter, room temp
1 c dark brown sugar (I only had light and they turned out just fine)
1/2 c granulated sugar
2 eggs
2 t vanilla
1 t baking soda
1 1/2 t course sea salt
2 1/2 c flour
12 mini Reece's peanut butter cups, cut into fourths
Parchment paper

1. First and foremost, the recipe suggests that you use a muffin top pan OR bake them like you would any other cookie on a cookie sheet. I thought I would use my regular muffin pan. Why not?

2. To prevent sticking, cut parchment paper into circles the size of your muffin tin or muffin top pan. I cut out 12 because I only put one pan in the oven at a time. I was able to re-use them for the 2nd batch. Spray your pan with cooking spray, place the circles in the cavity, & then again lightly spray the circles with cooking spray.

3. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

4. Cream together butter & sugars with a mixer. On a low speed, add eggs & vanilla. Turn up to a medium speed for about 20 seconds until batter is combined.

5. Turn mixer back to low and add flour, baking soda, & salt. When mixed, fold in peanut butter cups.

Connor's special batter with chocolate chips instead of peanut butter cups since he hasn't had nuts yet!

Peanut butter cup batter

6. Fill the tins with batter. I filled mine less than halfway full since I used muffin tins. Bake for 13-15 minutes (mine took a little longer) until the edges are golden and the center is just set.

7. Remove from oven and let cook in pan for 5 min. Loosen edges with a butter knife and flip cookies onto a cooling rack.

** If you bake the cookies on a cookie sheet, line the sheet with parchment paper. Space the cookies about 2 inches apart and drop by rounded tablespoons onto a baking sheet. Bake 8-9 minutes until edges are golden.
** If you use a muffin top tin, fill each tin with 1/4 c. batter and bake 13-15 minutes.

The verdict: Very yummy!!

Link to Deep Dish Milky Way Cookies  (read this blog cracks me up!)

1 comment:

  1. Both of those look really good! Way to go with all the cooking and baking!!
