Sunday, September 26, 2010

We survived!

Well, we survived!! I started back to work last Monday & Tuesday. Surprisingly, Monday & Tuesday morning weren't as bad as I expected. Don't get me wrong, it was still incredibly hard, but not what I anticipated. The mornings were a little bit rushed and when I was ready to go out the door Connor was sleeping, so that helped a lot. Sunday afternoon was actually the hardest day of all. I had all afternoon to think about being away from him while I was getting everything ready for Monday & Tuesday; I moped a lot! :) I'm working approximately 20 hours a week, so that means two 10 hour days. However, I was on call Tuesday and the day ended up being 12+ hours. WELCOME BACK! ha ha ha! The grandmothers said Connor did great (however, I bet they wouldn't tell me otherwise). Ryan and I can tell the change has affected him. On Wednesday he cried for 2 hours straight and I had no idea what to do for him. He was fed, his diaper was clean, he wouldn't go to sleep, etc etc etc. We've also been having trouble getting him to bed at night. Usually we can put him down with little to no struggle. This week he wouldn't go to sleep without one of us rocking him for 30 min or more! I know it will take him a while to get use to this change; I hope he's back to normal soon! The end of the week went much better than Wednesday did!

Last weekend, Connor got a visit from Uncle Mike (Ryan's old college roommate) and his girlfriend, Diana!

Connor meeting Uncle Mike!

Connor and I had a great afternoon with Liz & Ravi on Thursday. We went over to their house for a nice walk. Liz is surrounded by hills, so it was somewhat of a grueling walk while pushing the stroller. But, it was a good workout for me! Afterwards, I took Ravi's pictures!! He's such a cutie and his pictures turned out great. Below are a few from our "photoshoot":

Friday night, Ryan and I had a date night with Liz and Jatin! It was wonderful to have some time with Ryan as well as with Liz & Jatin. We use to hang out with them ALL the time before the kiddos but haven't had much time because we are all so busy! As everyone knows, we are busy with Connor, work, and soon Ryan's school (he officially got accepted back to PSU for the MBA program -- classes start in Jan! Connor and I are so proud!). Liz and Jatin are busy with Ravi (he's almost exactly one year older than Connor), renovating their house, both working full-time jobs, plus Liz is going back to school to be a Dietician! There is little time to spare between our two families, not to mention trying to coordinate any extra time we may find! We planned this date night about a month ago! My mom and dad drove down to babysit the boys, and we had dinner at the Batdorf in Annville! We had a blast!

Saturday morning, Ryan & Connor were able to spend some time together while I went to my photography class. Below are a few pictures I took for my first week's assignment. I wasn't that happy with the way they turned out. I was limited on time this week, so I did them last minute before I had to e-mail them to my instructor. I'm hoping in the upcoming weeks I'll have more time to produce more "creative" pictures. But, Connor still looks as cute as can be!!:)

Today, Connor and I went to daddy's second flag football game (they are 0-0-2). We are spending the rest of the day getting ready for the week! We're hoping it goes a little better than last; I'm sure each week will get a little easier!

Connor wearing his "Little Hershey Squirt" onsie from Aimee (Ryan's teammate)!

What new things is Connor doing??? 1. Laughing out loud!! He doesn't do it often, but we've gotten a few unexpected laughs from him! 2. Motor skills!! He is grabbing everything -- bottle, our hands, our faces, my hair/earrings, toys, etc.!!

Below are pictures of Connor in his new toy. He's still a little bit too small for it, but he likes to look at all the colors and shapes.

As always...more to come!

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