Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcoming 2011...

Our holiday season was super busy and flew by with the blink of an eye! I think I left off last time as we were getting ready to head to Philly for a weekend getaway! We had a lot of fun on our trip! We went to an aquarium, which Connor loved!! We also went on a carriage ride and visited the Reading Terminal Market where we met up with one of Ryan's college roomates, Mike. Below are some pictures from our trip:

The next thing we knew it was Christmas time! Ryan was able to take off 12 days over the holidays which meant lots of Connor & Daddy time! I had to work 3 of those days so the boys were home by themselves! Ryan and I have started a few holiday traditions since we've been married and also started a few new ones this year! I think the little traditions are going to be what Connor remembers as he grows up. Ryan was excited to start all of the "Santa" traditions this year even though Connor obviously did not understand and will not remember. We put out food for Santa's reindeer and, of course, milk & cookies for Santa. Ryan made sure to put out lots of cookies for himself, I mean Santa to eat. Ha ha. Christmas morning was so nice waking up with my boys and spending the day together.

New Years Eve was nice and relaxing. We had a few friends over for a quiet night. We are all fairly new parents, so we didn't last much past midnight!

What's new with Connor???
- Connor started solid foods on Christmas day! He has had rice cereal & oatmeal cereal, but we just started the "good stuff". He got carrots on Christmas day, which took him quite a few tastes to get used to. He also has had peas and now we are getting ready to start green beans!
- He has also started to sit up by himself!! He loves it when we sit him on the floor and surround him with toys! He can occupy himself for quite awhile.
- Blowing raspberries has been his new thing! It is rather funny to watch!
- He has also been sleeping better the past week or so with one brief waking around 3am! He is also going down for naps & bedtime much easier! All of this is unswaddled, so that is a huge step in the right direction!

We were at the pediatrician's office a week ago for his 6 month check up. He weighed 16lbs 10oz and was 25 3/4 inches long! His height and weight were in the 35th percentile & his head circumference was in the 92nd percentile! Lots of smarts!! ha ha.

January isn't too busy for us, thankfully! This weekend we are going to my grandparents on the Schell side to celebrate a late Christmas. On Sunday, we are going to visit our friends, Chase & Jenny, who had baby Emma a few weeks ago! We are very excited to meet her!!

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