Thursday, January 13, 2011

As usual, our past week has been busy! Saturday was the last of our Christmas get togethers. The Schell side of our family always celebrates Christmas a week or two after the holiday, which is nice because things have usually died down by then. We spent the day at my grandparent's house with all of my cousins & aunts/uncles and Connor did great! He is starting to not be so "funny" with people he isn't use to seeing on a daily basis. He was so tired after his day with family that he crashed while I was feeding him and he didn't wake up at all when we put him his car seat (first time for that!).

Schell Family Christmas

Connor & Great Grandma Schell

Connor LOVED Laura's hat and necklace!

On Sunday we were able to travel to Arlington, VA to visit our friends Chase & Jenny who just had baby Emma. She is such a sweet little thing! She looked so little beside our giant Connor! She was born 6 weeks early so she was exceptionally little! She was 3 weeks old at our visit.

The boys + Emma!

The girls + Connor!

Chase, Jenny, & Emma
Our upcoming week is just as busy. I was able to grab dinner with a friend last night. Tonight we are going to make a shopping trip for ski supplies! Tomorrow night we are taking Connor to the Farm Show in Harrisburg. And then this weekend we are travelling to State College to brush up on our skiing/snowboarding skills in preparation for our big ski trip to Killington, VT in March! I bet we are going to be super sore after this weekend! 

Connor is still loving his solid foods, although we are starting to see favorites emerge. He definitely loves apples the best; I'd say peas are second and then carrots. We started avocado this morning, and it didn't go well. I had a hard time getting the avocado smooth enough. I don't think he liked the lumpy texture and it made him gag. We might have to save that one for when he is a little older and more use to textures.

He has stopped blowing raspberries and now loves sticking his little tongue out. It is really cute; I hope we don't kick ourselves in the future because we are encouraging it now. We probably will.

Sleep is still a big mystery. He is going down fairly well for naps during the day, but not sleeping well at night. He is getting up 2-3 times per night and usually ends up in our bed (bad habit, I know). I am wondering if he is hungry and if we need to make changes with his feedings.

Well, that's all for now...

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